Africa: The Arrival - continued

After hugging and kissing every friend and family member we hadn't seen in the last 10 years we made our way towards the exit. I was ecstatic - I wouldn't need to see the inside of an airport again for at least a month.

It was like walking out of the sauna into the oven. I could physically feel the air cling to every hair on my body. It pressed in on you from all sides, pressed down on your from above, making your footsteps sluggish. Tez, Mom and I stopped dead in our tracks.

"Holy Crap!" We said in unison.
But it wasn't just the stifling heat that provided proof we were in Africa. It was the smell of heat. The stench of bush fire gripped at my lungs and stung my eyes. There was a constant haze - heat, dust and smoke combined. I had only been out of the air conditioned air port for 2 minutes and already I could feel the sweat seeping out of my pores.

31 degrees and it was already heading to evening. I knew I was going to like it here.


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